java小数向上四舍五入 您所在的位置:网站首页 round up和round off java小数向上四舍五入


2024-01-14 16:10| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265


四舍五入应该就在眼前 (Rounding should be right at hand)

In many areas, rounding that accurately follows specific rules are needed - accounting, statistics, insurance, etc.


Unfortunately, the native functions of VBA that can perform rounding are either missing, limited, inaccurate, or buggy, and all address only a single rounding method. The upside is that they are fast, and that may in some situations be important.

不幸的是,可以执行舍入的VBA的本机功能要么丢失,有限,不准确或有错误,而且全部仅解决一种舍入方法。 这样做的好处是速度快,在某些情况下可能很重要。

However, often precision is mandatory, and with the speed of computers today, a little slower processing will hardly be noticed, indeed not for processing of single values. All the functions presented here run at about 1 µs.

但是,精度通常是强制性的,并且随着当今计算机的发展,几乎不会注意到处理速度稍慢一些,的确不是单个值的处理。 此处介绍的所有功能的运行时间约为1 µs。

They cover the normal rounding methods:


Round down, with the option to round negative values towards zero

向下舍入,可以将负值舍入为零 Round up, with the option to round negative values away from zero

向上舍入,可以将负值舍入为零 Round by 4/5, either away from zero or to even  (Banker's Rounding)

四舍五入, 从零 到 零 (银行家取整) Round to a count of significant figures


The first three functions accept all the numeric data types, while the last exists in three varieties - for Currency, Decimal, and Double respectively.


They all accept a specified count of decimals - including a negative count which will round to tens, hundreds, etc. Those with Variant as return type will return Null for incomprehensible input.


背景 (Background)

More than ten years ago, Donald Lessau created a site dealing with Visual Basic issues: VBspeed. One of these issues was to create a replacement for Round  which was (and still is) buggy, though fast. Also, it could (and still can) only perform Banker's Rounding which may not be what you expect when you look for 4/5 rounding. Several suggestions were put forward, one extremely simple using Format; but string handling, as it is, is not very fast, so other solutions were thought out, all more or less wrapped around Int(Value + 0.5). They can all be found here.

十多年前, Donald Lessau创建了一个处理Visual Basic问题的站点: VBspeed 。 这些问题之一是创建Round的替代品,该替代品曾经(现在仍然)是越野车,尽管速度很快。 另外,它可能(仍然可以)仅执行银行家四舍五入,这在您寻求4/5四舍五入时可能并非您所期望的。 提出了一些建议,一种非常简单的使用Format格式。 但是,由于字符串处理的速度不是很快,因此考虑了其他解决方案,这些解决方案或多或少都围绕Int(Value + 0.5)。 他们都可以在这里找到。

If you are convinced that Round is not buggy, just try this simple example:


RoundedValue = Round(32.675, 2)

It will return 32.67 while both a normal 4/5 rounding as well as Banker's Rounding would return 32.68.


Today, computers are much faster, and while Round is very fast, it will in many cases be preferable with a function that is a bit slower if it on the other hand always returns the expected result. 


So - from these old contributions - I've brushed up the old 4/5 rounding function with an option for choosing Banker's Rounding, and added sibling functions for rounding up or down (also with options) with focus on the ability to correctly handle as wide a range of input values as possible. Still, they run at about 1 µs. Finally, for completeness and because it is quite different from the other functions, a function for rounding to significant figures was added.

所以-从这些旧的贡献中-我用选择Banker's Rounding的选项刷了旧的4/5舍入函数,并添加了用于向上或向下舍入的同级函数(还带有选项),着重于正确处理尽可能宽的输入值范围。 尽管如此,它们仍以约1 µs的速度运行。 最后,出于完整性的考虑,并且由于它与其他功能完全不同,因此添加了一个四舍五入为有效数字的功能。

It's important to stress, that there is no right  or wrong  rounding method, thus it makes no sense to argue why Mid Rounding away from zero  is "better" than Banker's Rounding. What's important, however, is to know how each method operates, so you can choose the optimum method for the current task.

需要强调的是,没有正确或错误的舍入方法,因此没有理由争辩说为什么中间舍入距零比“ 银行家”舍入 “更好”。 但是,重要的是要知道每种方法的工作方式,因此您可以为当前任务选择最佳方法。

例子 (Examples)

It can be useful to list examples that shows the differences between the different rounding methods and how they act upon positive as well as negative values. Here are just a few:

列出显示不同取整方法之间的差异以及它们如何作用于正值和负值的示例可能会很有用。 这里仅仅是少数:

rounding methodvalue n12.34412.34512.34612.35412.35512.356RoundUp(n, 2, False)12.3512.3512.3512.3612.3612.36RoundUp(n, 2, True)12.3512.3512.3512.3612.3612.36RoundDown(n, 2, False)12.3412.3412.3412.3512.3512.35RoundDown(n, 2, True)12.3412.3412.3412.3512.3512.35RoundMid(n, 2, False)12.3412.3512.3512.3512.3612.36RoundMid(n, 2, True)12.3412.3412.3512.3512.3612.36RoundSignificantDec(n, 4, , False)12.3412.3512.3512.3512.3612.36RoundSignificantDec(n, 4, , True)12.3412.3412.3512.3512.3612.36-12.344-12.345-12.346-12.354-12.355-12.356RoundUp(n, 2, False)-12.34-12.34-12.34-12.35-12.35-12.35RoundUp(n, 2, True)-12.35-12.35-12.35-12.36-12.36-12.36RoundDown(n, 2, False)-12.35-12.35-12.35-12.36-12.36-12.36RoundDown(n, 2, True)-12.34-12.34-12.34-12.35-12.35-12.35RoundMid(n, 2, False)-12.34-12.35-12.35-12.35-12.36-12.36RoundMid(n, 2, True)-12.34-12.34-12.35-12.35-12.36-12.36RoundSignificantDec(n, 4, , False)-12.34-12.35-12.35-12.35-12.36-12.36RoundSignificantDec(n, 4, , True)-12.34-12.34-12.35-12.35-12.36-12.36 舍入法 值n 12.344 12.345 12.346 12.354 12.355 12.356 取整(n,2,False) 12.35 12.35 12.35 12.36 12.36 12.36 舍入(n,2,True) 12.35 12.35 12.35 12.36 12.36 12.36 RoundDown(n,2,False) 12.34 12.34 12.34 12.35 12.35 12.35 RoundDown(n,2,True) 12.34 12.34 12.34 12.35 12.35 12.35 RoundMid(n,2,False) 12.34 12.35 12.35 12.35 12.36 12.36 RoundMid(n,2,True) 12.34 12.34 12.35 12.35 12.36 12.36 RoundSignificantDec(n,4,,False) 12.34 12.35 12.35 12.35 12.36 12.36 RoundSignificantDec(n,4,,True) 12.34 12.34 12.35 12.35 12.36 12.36 -12.344 -12.345 -12.346 -12.354 -12.355 -12.356 取整(n,2,False) -12.34 -12.34 -12.34 -12.35 -12.35 -12.35 舍入(n,2,True) -12.35 -12.35 -12.35 -12.36 -12.36 -12.36 RoundDown(n,2,False) -12.35 -12.35 -12.35 -12.36 -12.36 -12.36 RoundDown(n,2,True) -12.34 -12.34 -12.34 -12.35 -12.35 -12.35 RoundMid(n,2,False) -12.34 -12.35 -12.35 -12.35 -12.36 -12.36 RoundMid(n,2,True) -12.34 -12.34 -12.35 -12.35 -12.36 -12.36 RoundSignificantDec(n,4,,False) -12.34 -12.35 -12.35 -12.35 -12.36 -12.36 RoundSignificantDec(n,4,,True) -12.34 -12.34 -12.35 -12.35 -12.36 -12.36

More examples can be found in the two modules in the code with suffix Test.


功能 (The functions)

The main function - rounding by 4/5 - goes like this. Please note the in-line comments for details:

主要功能-四舍五入-这样。 请注意在线注释以获取详细信息:

' Common constants. ' ' Base values. Public Const Base2      As Double = 2 Public Const Base10     As Double = 10 ' Rounds Value by 4/5 with count of decimals as specified with parameter NumDigitsAfterDecimal. ' ' Rounds to integer if NumDigitsAfterDecimal is zero. ' ' Rounds correctly Value until max/min value limited by a Scaling of 10 ' raised to the power of (the number of decimals). ' ' Uses CDec() to prevent bit errors of reals. ' ' Execution time is about 1µs. ' ' 2018-02-09. Gustav Brock, Cactus Data ApS, CPH. ' Public Function RoundMid( _     ByVal Value As Variant, _     Optional ByVal NumDigitsAfterDecimal As Long, _     Optional ByVal MidwayRoundingToEven As Boolean) _     As Variant     Dim Scaling     As Variant     Dim Half        As Variant     Dim ScaledValue As Variant     Dim ReturnValue As Variant         ' Only round if Value is numeric and ReturnValue can be different from zero.     If Not IsNumeric(Value) Then         ' Nothing to do.         ReturnValue = Null     ElseIf Value = 0 Then         ' Nothing to round.         ' Return Value as is.         ReturnValue = Value     Else         Scaling = CDec(Base10 ^ NumDigitsAfterDecimal)                 If Scaling = 0 Then             ' A very large value for NumDigitsAfterDecimal has minimized scaling.             ' Return Value as is.             ReturnValue = Value         ElseIf MidwayRoundingToEven Then             ' Banker's rounding.             If Scaling = 1 Then                 ReturnValue = Round(Value)             Else                 ' First try with conversion to Decimal to avoid bit errors for some reals like 32.675.                 ' Very large values for NumDigitsAfterDecimal can cause an out-of-range error when dividing.                 On Error Resume Next                 ScaledValue = Round(CDec(Value) * Scaling)                 ReturnValue = ScaledValue / Scaling                 If Err.Number 0 Then                     ' Decimal overflow.                     ' Round Value without conversion to Decimal.                     ReturnValue = Round(Value * Scaling) / Scaling                 End If             End If         Else             ' Standard 4/5 rounding.             ' Very large values for NumDigitsAfterDecimal can cause an out-of-range error when dividing.             On Error Resume Next             Half = CDec(0.5)             If Value > 0 Then                 ScaledValue = Int(CDec(Value) * Scaling + Half)             Else                 ScaledValue = -Int(-CDec(Value) * Scaling + Half)             End If             ReturnValue = ScaledValue / Scaling             If Err.Number 0 Then                 ' Decimal overflow.                 ' Round Value without conversion to Decimal.                 Half = CDbl(0.5)                 If Value > 0 Then                     ScaledValue = Int(Value * Scaling + Half)                 Else                     ScaledValue = -Int(-Value * Scaling + Half)                 End If                 ReturnValue = ScaledValue / Scaling             End If         End If         If Err.Number 0 Then             ' Rounding failed because values are near one of the boundaries of type Double.             ' Return value as is.             ReturnValue = Value         End If     End If         RoundMid = ReturnValue End Function

Using it requires nothing more than importing (or copy/paste) the module RoundingMethods  included in the zip into your project. Then the functions can be used in a similar way that you would use Round:

使用它只需要将zip中包含的模块RoundingMethods导入(或复制/粘贴)到您的项目中。 然后,可以使用与Round相似的方式来使用函数:

RoundedValue = RoundMid(32.675, 2)

However, it performs a normal 4/5 by default, and optionally Banker's Rounding.


It is supplemented by the rounding up or down functions:



围捕 RoundDown


These act basically like -Int(-n)  or Int(n)  but also feature an option for rounding away  from zero or towards  zero respectively (see the example results above).

这些行为基本上像-Int(-n)或INT(n)的 ,但还具有用于分别从零或向零舍去一个选项(见上面的例子中的结果)。

Rounding to significant figures is somewhat different, though scaling and rounding still is an essential part:


' Rounds Value to have significant figures as specified with parameter Digits. ' ' Performs no rounding if Digits is zero. ' Rounds to integer if NoDecimals is True. ' Digits can be any value between 1 and 14. ' ' Will accept values until about max/min Value of Double type. ' At extreme values (beyond approx. E+/-300) with significant ' figures of 10 and above, rounding is not 100% perfect due to ' the limited precision of Double. ' ' For rounding of values within the range of type Decimal, use the ' function RoundSignificantDec. ' ' Requires: '   Function Log10. ' ' 2018-02-09. Gustav Brock, Cactus Data ApS, CPH. ' Public Function RoundSignificantDbl( _     ByVal Value As Double, _     ByVal Digits As Integer, _     Optional ByVal NoDecimals As Boolean, _     Optional ByVal MidwayRoundingToEven As Boolean) _     As Double         Dim Exponent    As Double     Dim Scaling     As Double     Dim Half        As Variant     Dim ScaledValue As Variant     Dim ReturnValue As Double         ' Only round if result can be different from zero.     If (Value = 0 Or Digits 128.25

Round up to the nearest "bargain price"


RoundedValue = RoundUp(n) - 0.01 RoundedValue -> 128.99

Round to the nearest integer 5:


RoundedValue = RoundMid(n / 5) * 5 RoundedValue = 130.00 资料下载 (Downloads)

The current version can always be found at GitHub.

当前版本始终可以在GitHub上找到 。

The version 1.3.2 demo files for Office 365 is here: 

Office 365的1.3.2版演示文件位于此处:

Rounding 1.3.2.accdb


Rounding 1.3.2.xlsm


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注意 :如果您需要有关此主题的更多“支持”,请考虑使用Experts Exchange 的“提问”功能。 我会监督提出的问题,并很高兴与其他电子工程师一起为以这种方式提出的问题提供所需的任何其他支持。

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